Cronkplonk: The Wall of the South

Cronkplonk: The Wall of the South

The mist rolled over the green hills, the great wall of Trump stood defiant against the barbaric hordes of illegal mexican brownies. Trump himself came to survey the battlefield. The odds were against them, the countless brownies were ferocious, seething with taco rage. The brave Americans manned their posts with pride but also with disparity, this battle was to protect their families from the brownie horde and their drug smuggling.
Trump walked in front of the rows of men, he saw their fear, and they saw his. “These foul beasts will not enter our country while i’m president” bellowed trump. “Today we make our stand, against crime, drug smuggling and brown culture”. He turned to face the dark sand dwellers, took one final deep breath as the battle began.
A piercing roar came from the smelly mexikike’s, they charged with ferocity, piling upon one another like black ants. The soldiers manning the wall were initially confused, but their intentions soon became clear. “Mr President, they’re building some kind of, wall!” The mexispics piled over the wall, bodies dropping from the great big glorious towers. People inside the great country were being torn apart by the savages. Families losing their lives at the hand of the brown beasts. The war was clearly being lost, the complete disregard for their own lives meant that the mexinigs swept through everything. A tear fell from the eye of President Trump, the liberal ideals would soon be put into effect, mama merkel would give these mexicans homes over every white man….But then, Assad and Putin swept in on their private customized war jets. Assad winked at Trump, “we’ve got ya back Trump 1”, Putin then said “You’re safe with us bud”. The Syrian and Russian army combined eradicated the mexinvaders, and eradicated Angela Merkel in one swoop. Bodies littered the battlefield, and Putin and Assad both landed. They both came out of their jets as heroes. Trump met his old friends and hugged them, tears streaming from their eyes, “We’ve made it, we made it”. This was the greatest battle to ever happen, the liberal loving mexihoes were defeated, and a strong government unaffected by political correctness was formed.